Dominican Republic

Got a question? Contact us                Next classes begin WINTER 2024!


What experience level do I need to participate in your courses? Our courses cater to undergrad students with beginner level experience. Please check the prerequisites listed for our Medical training program.

What does the course fee include? The course fee typically covers the cost of the course materials, instruction, and certain activities related to the course. Accommodation, travel, and meals are also included.

How do I enroll for this program? You first have to apply directly on our website. If you have any issues with the registration process, our customer service team will be happy to assist you. Once approved, you will be notified for an initiation fee to reserve your spot.

What is the typical class size for your courses? We believe in offering personalized instruction and interactive learning experiences, so we keep our class sizes small. The specific size may vary depending on several factors.

What should I bring? You will receive a detailed list of recommended items to bring upon registration. This typically includes comfortable clothing suitable for a tropical environment, any necessary personal medical supplies, and note-taking materials.

What if I need to cancel my registration? Our cancellation policy is detailed on our website and will also be provided upon registration. If you have any specific questions about cancellations, please contact us.

Do I need travel insurance? We highly recommend that all participants obtain travel insurance to cover unexpected events such as illness, injury, or travel disruptions.

Is there an option for group bookings? Yes, we do accommodate group bookings. For more information on this, please contact us.

What safety measures are in place during the courses? Your safety is our top priority. All our courses are supervised by experienced professionals, and we adhere strictly to local and international safety guidelines. This includes ensuring appropriate hygiene and sanitation measures, especially given the current global health context.